Sunday, August 25, 2013

Abolish Pork Barrel?

What's your take on the Million March for the Abolition of Pork Barrel tomorrow, guys?
My take: is it really the abolition of park barrel that's needed or something else?

Sunday, August 18, 2013

What is Reality?

Really, what is it?
Unicorns do exist. The question is "in what reality?"
"What is reality?"

Let me ask you: are you a real person?

What makes a person real, then? Consciousness?

Okay, let me ask then: Are you conscious?

Yes? Prove it.

Yes, that's it. You can't prove it. But you think you ARE a real person, right?

Saturday, August 17, 2013

What makes a Friend?

"True friendship... is infinite and immortal." - Plato

I really like this book by John C. Maxwell, as seen below:

A simple book on friendship. It contains stories about friendship and what friends do for each other.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


Gratitude is something that we all know about, and I just want to talk about how I think it's awesome.

Some Quotes and What I Think:

“If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.” ― Meister Eckhart

We sometimes tend to pray to ask for things that we don't have, and forget to say thanks for the things we do have, and it's nice to be reminded of it.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Is Religion Necessary to Love?

Really sensible quote, as I see it.
What Religion Does to Us

Do we actually need a religion to know how to live as a good person, to have what we call "morals" or "ethics"? Do we need religion to tell us about love and God? Is religion necessary at all?

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Hitler, Colombine, Kony, etc. - how it's NOT just THEIR fault

What the Hell?

Must be hot in there.
The notion of sin, hell, and fear, has never made sense to me. I mean, if God really loves you infinitely, and knew about the imperfections that human beings have, why will God's patience be finite in that he can send you forever to eternal damnation?

Monday, July 1, 2013

Alien-Induced Evolution?

Momma, where did Humans come from?

According to Darwinian theory of Evolution, the human species is derived from the primates. Nature makes adaptations to stimuli for better survival. I ask though what was the stimulus that made the evolution of humans so fast from not-so-smart hunched quadruped hairy primates in the trees to upright bipeds who basically ruled the world with their minds?